Feet First

“It is much more important to know what sort of a patient has a disease than what sort of a disease a patient has.” - Sir William Osler

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    Thursday, July 09, 2020
    In Which Dr. Alice Enriches an Orthodontist

    So this morning I pulled out my credit card and made a hefty payment to my new orthodontist. In my mid-fifties, I apparently need my teeth straightened... forty years after the last time I endured it. I have a widening gap between the two front teeth in my upper jaw ("incisors," or as Ortho Guy refers to them, Eight and Nine) and crowding of the teeth in my lower jaw. Estimated time for treatment: fourteen months. 

    He's a nice fellow, if a little too prone to making tooth-related puns. Such as, "If you don't treat this it'll come back to bite ya!" Sigh. But he was recommended by my regular dentist, whom I have been seeing for years. He certainly has a lovely office and I'm pretty sure I just made his next month's rent payment for him. Very well organized, everyone masked and hand sanitizer everywhere.  They have incredibly fancy equipment which allowed my teeth to be scanned and a mold visualized in less than five minutes. No more biting into a concrete filled mold and fighting gag reflex for what feels like forever. There is something to be said for the twenty-first century after all. 

    In related news, this afternoon I drafted a query to the administrators of my medical group about my lack of remuneration for the past five weeks. I'm still working there as an hourly employee now that I have retired (semi-retired, I suppose, is more accurate) and had to fight the temptation to email "WHERE MY DAMN PAYCHECK AT" instead of substituting something more diplomatic. Well, I can't spend money on a vacation this year due to the Virus, so I may as well spend it on my teeth instead. I go back in about a month for my first fitment.

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