Feet First

“It is much more important to know what sort of a patient has a disease than what sort of a disease a patient has.” - Sir William Osler

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    Thursday, February 15, 2007
    Award Madness

    ...So the Grammys were Sunday night. (Don't ask me who won, I have no idea.) Every January through early spring Los Angeles is hit with a blizzard of awards ceremonies - they all seem to be at the beginning of the year for some reason. On the one hand, they can make for good entertainment (both TV watching and reading); there are usually several good stories about the restauranteurs who are catering the parties and what they're serving, for instance, not to mention the fabulous gossip that results when celebrities clash at these functions. Unfortunately the accompanying traffic and street closures make life hell for the rest of us, especially those who live in Hollywood. (Hi, Mary!) Now that the Kodak Theatre is the standard venue for the Academy Awards, Hollywood Boulevard is closed off for days beforehand and it's an absolute pain.

    Getting back to my original point, L.A. Observed had a caption contest for this picture, snapped at a Grammy party, showing our fearless leader Mayor Villaragosa chatting with Paris Hilton. The results were so hilarious I had to post this. My favorite: "Why, I'd love to come to your quinceanera!"




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