Dextrocardia?Last week our X-ray technician came marching up the hall toward me, waving a set of films. She was somewhat upset: "They won't take this film! They say I did it wrong, and I
I didn't recognize the name on the films. "Is this my patient?" I asked.
"No, but it's a pre-op and the radiology department is giving me a hard time. They say I put the markers on the film backwards, or something."
I glanced at the chest X-ray in question and immediately got her point. Normally the heart is situated to the left of center, with the apex pointing to the left. (To the reader's right; the convention is to look at the film as if the person were standing in front of you.) This film showed the heart neatly reversed, pointing to the right.
Dextrocardia," I purred. "I haven't seen this in a long time."
I now had a small audience of medical assistants and office staff staring at the film. "What's that?"
"Dextrocardia," I explained, "is when the heart is on the opposite side of the chest. A guy in my med school class had this." (True.) "Send the film back," I added, "it's OK."
ADDENDUM: I had just posted this when I checked back with the technician; it turned out it wasn't dextrocardia after all, she had just taken the film using a different technique due to the patient's size. We all got confused (including me). Still, I hate to waste a good post, and it
could have turned out to be dextrocardia - you do see anomalies once in awhile. Has anybody out there seen dextrocardia or
situs inversus on a routine X-ray?
posted by Dr. Alice at #