Thunderbirds Are Go!
It's August, and there just hasn't been that much going on. I am coping with calls from anxious patients convinced that they have West Nile (they don't), and enjoying the summer. (No meetings!) The only happenings have been minor - my boss has moved to a new house; one of the secretaries has a new grandkid; the air conditioning in the building has finally been fixed, and now we're all too cold instead of too hot.
This weekend I stopped off at V.'s house to swim - this has become a fairly regular happening - and her son excitedly invited me to watch their newest DVD: a collection of
Thunderbirds episodes. Yep, the show with the puppets. A rousingly good time was had by all, it's a surprisingly fun show to watch. I was impressed with the production values and surprisingly elaborate sets.
That's all the news for now. More thrilling updates as they happen (heh).
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