Feet First

“It is much more important to know what sort of a patient has a disease than what sort of a disease a patient has.” - Sir William Osler

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    Thursday, November 28, 2002

    The folks are late, Dad had to run to Home Depot before they head over here for dinner (long story). Looks like I've got a little time to blog after all!

    Heather Havrilevsky has an essay on Thanksgiving that I thought was worth reading; James Lileks has a wonderful one. If you're killing time while dinner gets ready, check them out.

    Speaking of dinner, I am doing a turkey breast in the Crock Pot, since there are only three of us (it's really good and astoundingly easy). Also, baked potatoes and broccoli. It is a bit stripped down, but my folks are grateful not to have to cope with cooking the meal; I really don't think they'll care.

    I went to church this morning with my friend Jim. St. James', my church, is Episcopal; we have a 9 am service every Thanksgiving. I try to go for several reasons: because this really is a religious holiday, or at least it started out that way; to see my St. James' friends who have gotten me through some hard times in the last six years; to remind myself that this holiday is NOT about food and it is NOT a license to pig out.

    I am grateful for my family and their continued good health. My father had a stroke a year and a half ago and has made a wonderful recovery. My sister now has three terrific kids; my newly engaged brother and his fiancee are spending the holiday with them.

    I am grateful for my job. Yes, I really am, most of the time. My last patient of the day yesterday was a woman whose mother died suddenly on November 24. I saw her for some grief counseling and to give her some time off work. Both her parents, now dead, were my patients. It really is special to take care of an entire family, and to be able to really understand where a grieving person is coming from when she talks about her loss.

    I'm grateful for all my friends, on-line and off, and for all the encouraging emails and feedback I've gotten from you. Thank you!



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