Numbers of the Beast(stolen from a commenter on
Tim Blair's blog)
In honor of tomorrow's date, June 6 2006:
Number of the High Precision Beast
Number of the Millibeast
(-666) ^ (1/2)
Imaginary number of the Beast
6.66 e3
Floating point Beast
Roman Numeral of the Beast
Retail price of the Beast
Price of the Beast plus 5% state sales tax
Price of the Beast with all accessories and replacement soul
Walmart price of the Beast
Next week's Walmart price of the Beast
BMW of the Beast
posted by Dr. Alice at #
Sign of the ApocalypseAt Radio Station KOPA,
you'll never guess what they're playing.("Thanks" to Dave Barry)
UPDATE: link is no longer available... it's all Barry Manilow, all the time.
posted by Dr. Alice at #
News That Made My WeekFinally!"Police Squad!" is being released on DVD November 7. Best. Show. Ever.
"Who are you and how did you get in here?"
"I'm a locksmith. And... I'm a locksmith."
In other news, T-shirt of the week: I spotted a woman outside my office wearing one that said "My pets are not my children. At least that's what their piano teacher tells me."
posted by Dr. Alice at #